Benchmarking Dashboard BETA

How user-centric are European cities and regions?

Based on a list of curated indicators, the Benchmarking Dashboard ranks the performance of European cities and regions in designing and delivering digital services that focus on their citizens and their needs.

If you are a city or region interested in taking part and providing your data, please contact Chrysoula Mitta, associate director at the Lisbon Council at

New publication:

The 2023 State of UserCentriCities: How Cities and Regions are Delivering Effective Services by Putting Citizens’ Needs at the Centre, an in-depth analysis of dashboard results and the state of citizen-centric digital public services.

Pillar average

1. Enablers

Pillar average

2. User-Centricity Performance

Pillar average

3. Outcome

* Ranking based on 2022 data
1.1 - Skills
1.2 - Strategies
1.3 - Ecosystem
2.1 - Co-creation
2.2 - Supply of online services
2.3 - Useability
2.4 - Security and privacy
2.5 - Citizens redress and feedback mechanisms
2.6 - Interoperability
3.1 - Adoption
3.2 - Reduction of burden
3.3 - Satisfaction
1 4/4 4/6 3/3 2/5 5/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 2/2 2/2
Milan 87%
4/4 6/6 2/3 5/5 2/5 3/4 2/3 2/2 3/3 2/2 2/2 2/2
3 4/4 6/6 3/3 5/5 3/5 4/4 3/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 0/2 2/2
4 3/4 5/6 2/3 5/5 0/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 3/3 1/2 2/2 2/2
5 3/4 5/6 3/3 2/5 3/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 0/2 2/2
Ghent 75%
4/4 4/6 3/3 3/5 4/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 2/3 1/2 0/2 2/2
Madrid 74%
2/4 5/6 3/3 2/5 3/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 1/3 2/2 1/2 2/2
Utrecht 71%
4/4 6/6 3/3 3/5 1/5 2/4 3/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 0/2 1/2
Helsinki 65%
4/4 5/6 3/3 4/5 1/5 4/4 3/3 1/2 3/3 1/2 0/2 0/2
Kyiv 65%
3/4 5/6 3/3 4/5 1/5 3/4 2/3 2/2 1/3 0/2 1/2 2/2
11 3/4 5/6 1/3 2/5 4/5 4/4 3/3 1/2 3/3 1/2 0/2 1/2
4/4 3/6 2/3 4/5 1/5 4/4 2/3 2/2 2/3 1/2 0/2 1/2
Porto 58%
3/4 3/6 3/3 4/5 3/5 2/4 2/3 2/2 2/3 0/2 1/2 0/2
Espoo 58%
3/4 3/6 3/3 2/5 1/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 1/3 1/2 0/2 1/2
Murcia 52%
2/4 5/6 3/3 1/5 2/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 0/3 1/2 0/2 0/2
16 3/4 3/6 3/3 0/5 1/5 4/4 2/3 0/2 2/3 2/2 0/2 0/2
17 2/4 4/6 3/3 0/5 3/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 0/3 0/2 0/2 0/2
18 1/4 1/6 1/3 1/5 2/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 1/3 1/2 1/2 0/2
3/4 2/6 1/3 1/5 2/5 1/4 3/3 2/2 2/3 1/2 0/2 0/2
20 3/4 2/6 1/3 2/5 1/5 3/4 2/3 1/2 1/3 2/2 0/2 0/2
21 2/4 3/6 1/3 0/5 1/5 2/4 2/3 1/2 0/3 0/2 0/2 2/2
Ferrara 33%
2/4 3/6 1/3 0/5 1/5 3/4 1/3 0/2 1/3 2/2 0/2 0/2
Riga 32%
1/4 4/6 3/3 0/5 1/5 0/4 3/3 0/2 2/3 0/2 0/2 0/2
Arezzo 29%
1/4 3/6 1/3 1/5 0/5 3/4 3/3 0/2 0/3 1/2 0/2 0/2
2/4 2/6 1/3 0/5 1/5 3/4 1/3 0/2 0/3 2/2 0/2 0/2
Pillar average

4. Enablers

Pillar average

5. User-Centricity Performance

Pillar average

6. Outcome

* Ranking based on 2022 data
1.1 - Skills
1.2 - Strategies
1.3 - Ecosystem
2.1 - Co-creation
2.2 - Supply of online services
2.3 - Useability
2.4 - Security and privacy
2.5 - Citizens redress and feedback mechanisms
3.1 - Adoption
3.2 - Reduction of burden
3.3 - Satisfaction
3.4 - Environmental impact
Milan 84%
4/4 5/6 2/3 5/5 3/5 3/4 2/3 2/2 2/2 2/2 1/2 1/1
Madrid 79%
2/4 4/6 3/3 2/5 3/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 2/2 1/2 2/2 1/1
3 3/4 5/6 3/3 2/5 3/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 2/2 0/2 2/2 0/1
4 4/4 4/6 3/3 1/5 4/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 1/2 0/2 2/2 0/1
5 4/4 4/6 3/3 4/5 0/5 3/4 2/3 2/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0/1
Kyiv 59%
3/4 5/6 3/3 2/5 1/5 3/4 2/3 2/2 0/2 1/2 2/2 0/1
Helsinki 59%
4/4 4/6 3/3 4/5 1/5 3/4 2/3 2/2 1/2 0/2 1/2 0/1
Espoo 55%
3/4 3/6 3/3 1/5 3/5 2/4 3/3 2/2 1/2 0/2 1/2 0/1
Rotterdam 54%
3/4 5/6 2/3 3/5 2/5 2/4 2/3 1/2 2/2 0/2 1/2 0/1
Barcelona 46%
2/4 4/6 3/3 0/5 3/5 3/4 3/3 2/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/1
Murcia 38%
2/4 1/6 2/3 0/5 3/5 3/4 1/3 2/2 1/2 0/2 0/2 0/1
12 3/4 3/6 2/3 0/5 2/5 2/4 2/3 0/2 2/2 0/2 0/2 0/1
13 2/4 3/6 1/3 0/5 1/5 2/4 2/3 1/2 0/2 0/2 2/2 0/1