NEW POLICY BRIEF: The Interoperability Imperative: A Tale of Four Cities

In the margins of The 2023 UserCentriCities Summit convened in Brussels, the Lisbon Council launches The Interoperability ImperativeA Tale of Four Citiesa look at the coming breakthrough in digital government service provision and a reflection on the policy framework Europe will need to deliver it. Says Principal Author David Osimo, director of research a the Lisbon Council: “Interoperability sounds like a technical term –but it’s really the heart of what’s next and what Europe needs. The astonishing thing is so many European cities are already doing it. We look at four – Ghent, Kyiv, Milan and  Tallinn –  and analyse the novel solutions they produced and the results they delivered.”

Download The Interoperability Imperative: A Tale of Four Cities 

23 May 2023