The call to submit user-centric public services in the User-Centric Services Repository is now open. Local public administrations can now upload their services and become contenders for the 2023 UserCentriCities Award.
To highlight the remarkable efforts of European local administrations in designing and delivering cutting-edge user-centric services, UserCentriCities has created the User-Centric Services Repository, an online inventory of best practices in user-centric local public service. The Repository is a place for inspiration, knowledge exchange and highlighting genuinely user-centric digital services in Europe – beyond the hype.
To populate the Repository, local and regional administrations (cities, municipalities, regions) are invited to submit examples of excellent user-centric services. The services will be eligible to compete in the annual UserCentriCities Awards.
Visit the User-Centric Services Repository
Who can add services
Local and regional administrations in the European Union, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the United Kingdom can submit their user-centric services. Citizens can also propose a service they think should be highlighted for its user-centric approach.
What services can be added
The call is open for digital public services that follow the user-centricity principles of The 2017 Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment:
Digital interaction
Accessibility, security, availability, and usability
Reduction of administrative burden
Digital delivery of public services
Citizen engagement
Incentives for digital service use
Protection of personal data and privacy
Redress and complaints mechanisms
For an analysis of the Tallinn Declaration principles and their transfer to the “local level,” please consult D1.2 Adapted User-Centricity Principles .
Services can cover various topics, from digital counters to citizen participation platforms and mobile applications to city planning portals.
Local and regional administrations can upload an unlimited number of services and can also propose a service outside their administration by contacting the project at
How to add your user-centric service
Register with your email, first name, last name and organisation. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the verification link and set your password.
Once registered, access the form and fill out the online form in its entirety.
For help, questions and clarifications, please send an email to