User-Centric Services Repository Web Library - Espoo

City / Region

Espoo (Finland)

In a nutshell

The Helmet web library ( is a joint e-library service provided by the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The Helmet library provides services to over one million residents in the Helsinki capital area.

At, you will find the opening times and contact details of all the Helmet libraries, as well as library events. is also available in Swedish, English and Russian. There is a chat on the website to contact the personnel online. 

With Taskukirjasto-application (Pocket library) you can use the library with your smart phone. includes an e-library service, that is always open. The Helmet e-library is the largest e-library maintained by a public library in The Nordic countries. In the Helmet e-library, you will find free e-books, e-magazines and training courses – which you can use anywhere and anytime. The music library lets you listen to your favorite tunes, and the library also offers a wide range of sources that you can use to search for information. is open for everyone, the edited content of the online service and the catalogue of collections can be used freely. Creating your own account requires a library card with a PIN. In My Account customers can browse and renew their loans, reserve library materials, save their reading histories and checklists, rate library materials, save search phrases and update contact information.

What makes the service user-centric?
There are many reasons why doesn’t only meet but exceeds the user-centricity principles.
1. Libraries have put the customer in the center and considered how they can serve the citizens of the metropolitan area as well as possible. The answer is together. The citizen doesn’t have to consider the city lines when using library.
2. After receiving library card it’s possible to handle most of matters as self-service. Reservations, loans, and fines can all be handled as self-service using digital tools and online service. Also, the status of your reservations, loans and payments can be seen on the personal account.
3. Browsing loans, renewing loans, reserving material, viewing borrowing history, making check lists, assessing materials, storing search statements and updating contact details are all functions of the customer account.
4. The Helmet mobile application Taskukirjasto (Pocket library) works also as your library card.
5. It’s safe to use. Using the customer record is protected with SSL encryption.
6. Helmet e-Library makes e-book, magazines and music available fully online.
7. offers direct channel to contact libraries via chat, feedback or question format. Customers can make reservations and bookings online.
8. It’s not only accessible, but also inclusive in the way language and services are designed and regarding the news, events and content that is published on the site.
9. Information about the website and service environment as well as accessibility and customer register are available on the site.
10. Information about the site is available not only in Finnish, Swedish and English, but in four other languages as well.
11. Citizens can give feedback about the service online (and offline) and also make Acquisition requests.
12. Digital Support is available to anyone free of charge. It is given not only in library matters but to support learning and using of digital tools in general. is a good example how digital services compliment the offline service, increasing possibilities for learning and cultural experiences. It makes the use of library services more flexible and reachable to more people.
What impact has the service had?
Helmet web library is the most frequently used web library in Finland. There are over 30 million visits to Helmet libraries per year, from which 17 million are web visits.

For several years Helmet web library has been in the top 10 of the most valued web-brands in Finland, according to Taloustutkimus (ltd) research.

Helmet service consists of information on more than three million items that are available to everybody living in the metropolitan area.

Thanks to the Helmet cooperation, libraries can offer services that would not be possible otherwise. Helmet libraries combine quality with efficiency for customer’s benefit.

In the “City and Municipality services in Espoo” survey, libraries are one of the most popular and well-liked services in Espoo. 2020, 98% of citizens where happy or very happy with the library services. Espoo City Library was chosen as the best library in the world at London Book Fair 2019.
How was the service co-created?
Libraries have for long been active in creating opportunities for participation both online and offline. was designed and launched 2012. During the development phase citizens were involved with several sessions for ideation, design, beta-testing, and feedback. Libraries kept a “Imagine Library”-blog that shared information and offered a platform for questions and discussion about the new web-service.
Ideas and feedback were gathered in the libraries and on social media as well.
Also the mobile application Taskukirjasto (pocket library) is the result of co-creation between library, citizens and companies.


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